
Part 1: Goals, resources, experience

The short first questionnaire aims at collecting core information about your badging project to direct you to materials that fit your stage. It covers topics about what you try to achieve, what you already know or have reached, and what resources are available. This impacts potential scenarios that make sense for you, and may help making the right choices for your next steps. Further, these information can help you filling out the Badge Canvas.

Start Self-Assessment 1

Part 2: Establishing long-term success in your badging project

The second questionnaire bases on the ICoBC Certification Framework, and helps you understanding the different dimensions that need to be considered and mastered if you want to grow and scale your project in a successful way. While they may feel challenging or even unclear at the beginning of a project, they can help you developing a long-term strategy, and plan your steps and tactics towards the bigger goals.

The five dimensions are:

  • Value: How you create a new digital currency through Badges and Credentials that are available and in demand.
  • Rigor: How serious your organisaton takes Badges and Credentials
  • Impact: How Badges and Credentials influence your organisation's goals and performance.
  • Trust & Verification: How you ensure quality and transparency
  • User Experience: How you create value, usability and accessibility for the stakeholders involved.
Start Self-Assessment 2